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Véro - 18 May 2021 - 2021 training by videoconference Teacher of Lu Jong and the Tibetan Practices of the Five Elements

Breathe in, breathe out and feel... aaah, feel, ..., then oh! A small happiness of a recovered sensation. Since 7 years, following an accident, I lost my sense of taste and smell. And in the meditation guided by Valerie, meditation of the 5 elements. The smell of the house and then the taste of bergamot tea. Thank you Lu Jong that I have been practicing very regularly for 3 months. Thanks to you Valerie. I am looking forward to rediscovering other smells and tastes. Have a nice weekend.





Valerie: Lu Jong is a wonderful practice that stimulates the circulation within the channels, both the channels of the physical body and those of the subtle body. Through Lu Jong, we improve our sensations, we hear better, we feel better, flavours become more present, our sense of smell develops. A regular practice is thus the guarantee of an improvement of the health in general and what has just happened to you is the fruit of a beautiful regular and continuous practice. I am delighted with this experience. 

Aurélien - 21 March 2021 - Kum Nye's video-conference course

I find this introduction to Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga excellent in these times of confinement. It helps me to regain energy, concentration, vitality, creativity and inner joy; in addition to the "sporting" aspect of maintaining the body, the spiritual and philosophical aspect seems to me to be quite fascinating.

Sophie - 8 March 2021 - 2020-21 training by videoconference Teacher of Lu Jong and Five Element Tibetan Practices

This first course of distance learning, in video conference, is frankly a method that works well. A real pleasure to learn and practice with Valerie but also to practice with the visio  training colleagues. Super great. The duration of the training allows everyone to acquire the knowledge at their own pace. Then the Master Class with Master TULKU LOBSANG RINPOCHE. Thank you Valerie for everything


Valerie: It was a great pleasure for me to bring you in this way. Now you are a teacher and you teach Lu Jong in your region. It is wonderful to know that these marvellous practices, which have existed for thousands of years, are finally coming to our western world and now to France. Thank you for your commitment and your magnificent path through this training which was indeed a first online and demonstrated that this model is perfectly suited to the teaching of Lu Jong and its theories around Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Medicine

Stéphane - November 14, 2020 - Kum Nye online

Thank you for this wonderful relaxation, it is a real benefit, it is with great pleasure that I find you

Florence - December 28, 2018 - kum nye and lu jong

With all my gratitude for introducing me to Kum Nye: it is now part of my life. I look forward to discovering the modules. In the meantime, I will continue my rhythm one day of lujong another day of KumNey! as if to frame my day and give it the best possible tone. THANK YOU Valérie

Cyril - June 11, 2018 - online cycle of 156 progressive sessions of Kum Nye


I have read some of Tarthang Tulku's books and found clarity in its formulation and a source of inspiration for everyday life. I wanted to discover Kum Nyé yoga through a structure that teaches it and I found Valérie's activities. I signed up for his free trial session. What Valérie offers both in terms of educational material, progression, through what she transmits in these videos, is of quality ... I can feel the teaching of Tarthang Tulku which is a source of inspiration ... joy , well-being, vitality, self-knowledge, opening of our consciousness and our creative nature ... Online training can be a very valuable help for those who cannot access this teaching for various reasons but who want to practice despite the difficulties.


Richard - March 18, 2018 - online video-conference course by Kum Nye

Very pleasant session, well constructed, a beautiful approach to this yoga which brings after this hour a beautiful and great peace, a lot of silence, interior space, a lot of energy. Really well done, it's like being there (in the room with you)

valerie / Wednesday December 13, 2017 - online video-conference course by Kum Nye


"Kum Nye's online courses, I love it !! I sometimes have a hard time really feeling because my mind is saturated with thoughts but I can now come back to the presence quite quickly. In any case I am much better. , I have lots of projects, people seem "softer" to me;, I lost 6 kg without making any effort, just because I no longer need to compensate for my "annoyances" with food, so I can say that the effects of daily practice and openness to the world satisfy me. "

helene / Thursday, November 30, 2017 - online video-conference course by Kum Nye

feedback from the 1st month of practice of Kum Nye "This month of work was very precious because it puts me back on track from which I had somewhat strayed and I think I will continue despite a very busy schedule for the 2 months to come, and thus progress with my greatest difficulty: the organization. Let's say that I am a little in the "all or nothing", I always had some difficulties to find an implacable regularity in the practice, This form of meditative practice which totally involves the body helps me a lot, the attention to the body and bodily sensations channels and avoids getting carried away by the waves of thoughts. This seems to be a form of active meditation, the goal is not Doesn't it integrate meditation into everyday mundane life? I like the advantage of having you with us when we can and when we want. Sincere thanks and Gratitude "

Christophe - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - video-conference cycle of the 156 progressive sessions of Kum NYe

"For several months, I have had more and more persistent pain in the shoulders and neck, so much so that I had to pass X-rays and an ultrasound of the region concerned (left side) certainly due to weariness and the increasing load of my work and the related worries Thanks to these first practices of kum nyé I felt a relief, a lightness that I find little by little, also a fresh energy that I need so much and that made me lacking lately. Especially on the third session, the heat has circulated on the right side up to the arch of the foot and also in the hands, I realized how much energy no longer circulates on this side which poses a problem (left side)"

Anne - 7 day lu jong and kum nyé retreat - August 27, 2017

I wanted to tell you about my operation ....


The surgeon was amazed that it was going so well, and that I was bleeding so little.

Then the speed with which I recovered. Nurses too, I heard comments in the hallway! It must be said that I put myself in "full consciousness"; as you showed us, putting me in the present moment, breathing to let my body recover, in silence, and that attitude surprised them a lot.


Well, I don't know if I will dare to tell him that I had just come out of a week of meditation and Tibetan yoga, and that I think that it is thanks to that that I recovered so quickly ....


thank you again, it was very good, and I hope to see you soon, good luck anyway, kisses anne

Valérie: hey yes! the effects of energy ... healing energy ... western medicine combined with ancestral energy techniques can work wonders !!!

Solen Monday August 21, 2017 - 3 day Lu Jong retreat

We do our daily Lu Jong session in the morning!

I feel it energizes me, I feel the energy all day, I also feel more peaceful, it happened that I did not do Lu Jong some mornings and I saw the difference, I felt more tired during the day !


  Tibetan Energy Valerie

Absolutely ! once you get used to this energy, it is true that when you do not maintain it, you quickly feel a feeling of fatigue or rather of "lack of energy";, which is in fact obvious . Hence my insistence on inviting you to really enter into regular practice. I am delighted that Lu Jong is now part of your lives!

Barbara Friday August 18th, 2017 | Lille

7-day Lu Jong and kum Nyé retreat

Beautiful week of practice which makes us go into our depth, listening to our feelings!

Also a great week of sharing over tea or in sublime places!

Since then I practice Lu Jong every day with a lot of pleasure and benefits!

Thank you Valerie for your enthusiasm and your beautiful contagious energy !!

Sylvie Wednesday July 26th, 2017 | Belgium

Lu-Jong and Tog Chod retreat July

Hello Valérie!

thank you for this more than welcome break which allowed me to refocus and begin in these beneficial practices in such a refreshing setting ... thank you also for your benevolent support! maybe next year? Sylvie

Nadia Friday July 21, 2017 | Haute-Savoie

Lu Jong and Tog Chöd

Retreat from July 12 to 18, 2017.

7 dense days, rich in knowledge and practices. Each day was composed of a time of theory (necessary to understand what is transmitted to us), a time of Lu Jong and a time for Tog Chöd. I really appreciated this theory / practice concept which allows you to better immerse yourself in what I have come to seek. 

The weather was favorable and we were able to enjoy pleasant sites: proximity to lakes, river / torren t, Bionnassay glacier ... not to mention the evening at the St Gervais thermal baths for a moment of well-being! 

The accommodation offered was of high quality (equipment, bedding, sauna, terrace, etc.).

Thank you to Valérie and to the interns with whom we had a pleasant time! 

Jean Luc Thursday June 29th, 2017

3 day Lu Jong retreat

Thank you Valerie for the photos taken at the Green Lake.

I practice lu jong 4 times a week.

Physically the pelvis and the back become more flexible.

But the biggest change is the hindsight from the events of everyday life.

How lucky to have met you.

Take care of yourself and your family.

  Tibetan Energy Valerie

what happiness to read you!

it is there that we see that the practice is doing its work and it is such a pleasure to see that it brings real transformations in people's lives.

Manon Sunday October 16, 2016 | Lille

retreat October 7 to 12, 2016

How good it is to learn to let go, something hard to do in our crazy lives, thanks to practice (in a just wonderful setting) and the kindness of Valérie, I left with keys to learn to be and no longer just do. I recommend without moderation !! 

chantal - Tuesday December 13th, 2016 | Geneva - online video-conference course by Kum Nye

"The practice of Kum Nyé makes me feel good, the more I practice the exercises the more the anchoring and the well-being are deep! Thank you very much for this wonderful practice! I must also say with the exercises and the breathing I feel tingling in the skin. level of the coccyx and at the level of the top of the skull and that it also happens to me from time to time after a session, at night in general, not being able to fall asleep and feel my vibratory body vibrate for several hours! C it is a magical and magnificent experience that I would like to repeat as often as possible but it is something that I cannot control! I am delighted to be able to further deepen all these feelings with the practice of KN. "

Francine Friday October 14th, 2016 | MONTROUGE

6-day retreat LU JONG and KUM NYE

6 days immersed in Tibetan yoga to discover our inner riches in magical places that Valérie has chosen for us.

Valérie is a guide who infuses us with her beautiful energies with passion and good humor.

Zenitude guaranteed 

Yves Saturday September 10, 2016 | Paris - 3 day Lu Jong retreat

but good

"I really liked the internship, in particular because of a good balance between withdrawal in / towards oneself and sharing, interior and exterior lives, asceticism and well-being ... It suits me very, very well.


I also really liked the Tibetan yoga that you teach, with this other balance between exercises and meditation, which I think necessarily leads to meeting, dialoguing to finally merge into each other, the body and mind.


The overall rhythm also seemed excellent to me, with a good alternation of practice, rest and exchanges.


In addition, I really appreciated your conduct of the exercises and also ... the collection that you only give in a dropper. Perfect !"

magalie Saturday September 3rd, 2016 | Les ollières sur eyrieux


Wonderful moment where deep practices, meditation, joy and sharing alternate. All this of course thanks to Valérie who infuses us with all her experience, her knowledge in a bath of benevolence and warm welcome. THANK YOU

Christine Thursday August 25th, 2016 | Voiron

4 days - Lu Jong 1 - Kum Nyé 1 - Mindfulness

A perfect balance between physical practice and meditation, in conviviality and joy. A nice parenthesis just for yourself ... and also in sharing.

Exactly what I was looking for. I liked the practice in nature, magic, which pushes us out of our comfort zone. Thank you Valérie.

martine Sunday August 7th, 2016 | BRINDAS - 4 Day Tibetan Lu Jong Yoga Retreat

It was 4 days of very enriching internship that the practice of lu jong and kum nye. The alternation of the practice indoors and outdoors. In magnificent sites allows to refine the feelings and the mindfulness. A real happiness in the search for the better being. All taught by Valerie with a lot of energy, passion, kindness and joie de vivre, this gives a great dimension to this practice

To live and to relive

THANK YOU to you Valerie

Alain Saturday August 6th, 2016 | brindas - 7 day Tibetan Yoga retreat Lu Jong

I had never participated in this type of internship

I discovered with Valérie a practice in full awareness that we can easily integrate and which gives us perfect well-being.

Valérie takes her time and adapts perfectly to her students

In addition, outdoor mountain practices are magical and fully participate in this rejuvenation.

Since my return home I practice every other morning without difficulty with a feeling and a feeling of superb fullness

Thank you Vanérie

Evelyne Wednesday August 3rd, 2016 | Haute-Savoie

Lu Jong day Harmonization of the 5 elements

  Valérie welcomes us warmly and with conviviality in her cocoon nestled in nature.

The reduced number of participants allows you to fully experience your practice under the watchful and attentive gaze of our hostess. His advice allows us to adapt the movements to our morphology and our possibilities in a comfortable position. Outdoor practice is truly an experience to be lived where the feeling is very different and stronger than indoors. In addition to the natural setting and the 5 elements are involved, What a great discovery of Tibetan yoga: lu jong with an interesting "liveliness". Thank you, Valérie, I will be back with great pleasure for a future experience. Evelyne

Nadia Sunday July 24, 2016

Lu Jong Workshop Harmonization of the 5 elements

Following a "yoga" session; at Shedrub Choekhor Ling which is a Buddhist Monastery / Cent re on Mont Salève in Haute-Savoie, I discovered the Lu Jong proposed by a Tibetan monk. It was a soothing and instructive meeting for me. Desiring to go further in the practice and following the departure of this monk from the Monastery, I set out in search of a new meeting. I then crossed paths with Valérie who brought me a lot on different levels: the welcome (kindness in her house and her garden in the making), the practice (gaze, listening, professional advice towards the righteous inside and in exterior: only happiness), humanly (sharing of quality experiences, respect for everyone, gentleness ...). This first contact will be followed by other moments with you Valérie, in the Pays du Mont-Blanc. Thank you and see you soon. Nadia

Daphnée Tuesday February 16th, 2016 | Chamonix

Tibetan New Year demonstration class

Thank you so much ! The accompaniment in the movements is great 

Christophe Wednesday June 29th, 2016

4 days Tibetan Mindfulness and Yogas retreat

It is a very beautiful meeting that that of Valerie. She infuses us with joy and strength in the practice. It is really more than an internship, it is a teaching. I did 15 years of Indian yoga and was a yoga teacher myself and I must say that the practice of Lu jong is very energetic as well as the Kum Nye which was a revelation for me. These practices give the possibility to rediscover one's body, to feel its energies, to awaken them like nowhere else, they allow us above all to prepare ourselves in a wonderful and natural way for meditation. The movements become meditation and meditation is accomplished naturally, especially in outdoor practices in this magnificent natural setting where we become one with the elements. It was simply Magic!

Thank you for your availability and your generosity! We can bet that Tibetan yoga will spread in France for the good of all!

The cottage is of quality and has all the comforts.

I'll be back ...

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